Operating Systems > macOS
BeOS Apps
Phantom Menace:
I just downloaded BeOS Personal Edition 5 from BeBits.com, and I think I finally found my preferred alternative to Windoze. I was wondering if anyone can help me by recommending to me some good apps for BeOS. I'm really looking for a good word processor and some games (i.e. something similar to Escape Velocity for the Mac).
Master of Reality:
can you get staroffice or openoffice for BeOS?
[ May 01, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]
no you can't, i suppose you know about OpenBeOS? not that that helps you in the apps stakes,
Try this office product instead, it's not free but it has a free trial version, and it claims to do all that Microsoft office format documents et c as well...
and here's a huge list of stuff on Tucows for BeOS. I reckon Tucows are looking even better than download.com to me at the moment, for odd stuff...
Also, here's a good looking site with a few fine looking BeOS downloads on it. Hope that helps, i have got an older version of BeOS but haven't tried it yet. I don't think i'll have it long once BSD arrives.
It is ashame that Be sold all of thier property and stocks to AOL/Time Warner. BeOS was a pretty nice alternative OS. It was incredibly easy to use, it wasn't exactly what you could call bloated, it was fast and it would've had a very bright future if more hardware manufacturers would've written drivers for it and more app and game programmers would've caught on to it.
If Be would've stayed alive and would've found a way to get the mainstream support it needed it could've easily been a serious threat to MS. Alternative OSes like BeOS are a good start to overthrowing Windows as a consumer OS(unlike Linux which is Open Source and will never be profitable for software companies), however what is a good OS without a good company who strives to make thier OS better without abandoning ship during the hard times of business? If Be would've spent some money on good advertising they could've easily caught alot of the programmers/developers and more of the consumers eyes. Tis a shame that Be knew nothing about making good business desicions.
Of course Be did really well back in the days when they were able to sell Be Boxes(which was so kindly killed off by Apple by not allowing clones). Really, I hope to see more OSes like BeOS in the future and hopefully the next company to make a good consumer level OS will know about good business practices(even if they are unethical..which most business practices are anyways) to win over the the PC world.
R.I.P. Be Incorperated.
[ May 02, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
yes well before we all get teary eyed, remember that BeOS R5 is still current, and is free. Also OpenBeOS are working on an open source OS that aims to be completely binary compatible with BeOS, also for free.
Before we cry too many tears into our pints, let's just take a moment to remember that the system is still kicking, even if programs might be a bit thin on the ground. Speaking of which, why did you ramble on here without making even the slightest effort to answer the question on hand? I know next to nothing about BeOS and i tried to help. While i agree with what you say about Be Corp to a large extent, it seems you have missed the point of the topic.
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