Operating Systems > macOS

The iMac (classic): Dead

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The iMac (classic/teardrop) was killed today. It is no longer availible from any of Apple's stores (Consumer, education, etc)


Well, the old technology has to go anyway. I can see why its gone, for 150$ more you can get an eMac which has a g4 instead of a g3, a 17" flatscreen monitor instead of a 15" bulb monitor, and cdrw.

actually, under Apple store for education, the imac classics are still available.

[ March 19, 2003: Message edited by: MacBling ]

Sad News... The Classic iMac was found dead in its home this morning. Police suspect that it died because no one wanted it because it SUCKED!!!!!!!

All right. Now that they've retired the imac, I can sell the collection I had secreted away on eBay and make fortunes. MWAHAHAH



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