Operating Systems > macOS

Porting Linux Games

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Thanks for the link   ;)  

I will download it when I get on my Mac

I''m sorry I'm a dumb ass, but I click the first link, and gave me a list of mumbo jumbo links. Which one? And ALL these links work on 10.3? You did test it out, right  :eek:

Remember, bare with me, I'm a N00b  :D , I just don't want to fuck up, cause I know VERY little about Macs.

TclTk_8.3.5_RuntimeInstall.bin is the one you want.  However, there might be some problems.  Maybe sourceforge is down or something.  Download was not working for me.  I'll give it a try again tomorrow.

You're gonna hate me if we have to build this from source, I guarantee it.

Okay, thanks for that, tell me when you do   ;)  

Just new to the Mac thing, and I just don't want to stuff up.

Hey, I was wondering, if Mac OS X has a terminal, and runs on UNIX, does this mean Mac OS X is an Open Source OS tecnically?

To activate the root account in osx, you have to actually open some app and enable your user to access root. And your user has to be an "admin" user to begin with. Its  not an easy process unless you know where to go (netinfo manager). Sure. do it from the boot disc. Not only is that annoying, its a pain in the ass. More so that enabling the root acount, and typing "su" in terminal.

Bascially, yes, OSX is built with open source tools. Its bascailly a free os. You can download darwin, and run osx without the gui for free. But what is OSX minus its friendly gui tools?


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