Operating Systems > macOS

Porting Linux Games

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Well, there is that.  But more than likely, a newb doesn't have enough permissions to do anything serious.  Gaining root access to a Mac actually requires creating a root account, which is kinda difficult to do.  He's lucky if he has read access in most directories.


sorry, tibia



quote:Novaz04: tibia
--- End quote ---

I'm still waiting for the activation e-mail   :(  

Also, RuneScape works just fine on Linux, after you've installed JavaVM.

[ September 06, 2004: Message edited by: Refalm / BOB ]

The *nix client seems to be really ancient, but I downloaded it anyway, and I'll take a look.  I can tell you right now that your Mac does not have Tk (but it should have Tcl).  Start by going to fink and getting the latest/greatest versions of both Tcl and Tk.  I might have more instructions for you later, but that will be a good start.

Edit - not the latest or greatest versions.  It stupidly requires v8.3 only.  So find 8.3.

[ September 06, 2004: Message edited by: worker201 ]

What  activation email, pls explain   :(  

I will do that  

[ September 07, 2004: Message edited by: Novaz04 ]


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