Author Topic: Are any mac users here going to buy the new MS Office?  (Read 1140 times)


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Are any mac users here going to buy the new MS Office?
« Reply #15 on: 16 August 2003, 02:13 »

ultra compatible

Yeah, those .doc documents are just so ultra compatible.  I guess I can't complain because I use Word when I have to use a public Mac anyway.  Open Office isn't installed and Apple Works is kinda...  crap.  But Open Office is still better than MS Office on any platform.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
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Are any mac users here going to buy the new MS Office?
« Reply #16 on: 16 August 2003, 06:29 »
Originally posted by Faust:

Yeah, those .doc documents are just so ultra compatible.  I guess I can't complain because I use Word when I have to use a public Mac anyway.  Open Office isn't installed and Apple Works is kinda...  crap.  But Open Office is still better than MS Office on any platform.

I think it's rather ironic that Apple is trying to push the Cocoa library down developers' throats, then uses Carbon to updated AppleWorks. (-;
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Are any mac users here going to buy the new MS Office?
« Reply #17 on: 16 August 2003, 06:40 »
OpenOffice looks right at home on Windows, which honestly is the platform it's targeted at... although you'd think they could update its appearance to at least look like XP.

I won't buy any version of office X. I forked over $225 for Office 2001 at the badass academic price when I was in college because I'm a badass motherfucker. I wanted to go to Redmond and ram a 25' pole up Bill's ass because 2001 isn't carbon. FUCKING FAGGOTS. But it works just fine in Classic, especially in Panther now that classic is PERFECTLY SEAMLESS.

I've got Orifice 2001 and Appleworks 6, which works for me. For about 99% of the things I type, TextEdit is the app of choice for me.

if I really wanted offence X, I'd bust out with some gnutella action, but then, I'd probably enjoy a bath in hot acid or lava more.
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Are any mac users here going to buy the new MS Office?
« Reply #18 on: 25 August 2003, 19:55 »
I trashed I Explorer AND MS Office today !!!


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Are any mac users here going to buy the new MS Office?
« Reply #19 on: 26 August 2003, 01:23 »
Originally posted by macmagne:
I trashed I Explorer AND MS Office today !!!

That's great. Now you own a Mac AND are MS free. (I wish I could say the same about the former).

Anyway, welcome to the boards.


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Are any mac users here going to buy the new MS Office?
« Reply #20 on: 26 August 2003, 02:45 »
This time last year all I knew was that big blue gay E. Then I discovered Mozilla...