Operating Systems > macOS
osx definatly rules
ok, in the past i have had experiance on it, but wiht a little bit of hacking, well not much at all, i have 10.1 running my my 9500. osx is well designed, kinda like a mind reader, it does what i want it to, and nothing else. it has a clue about networking, like i can mount nfs shares without fstab info and such. and it runs ok on the 233 604e with 216 megs of ram. im probably going to put a g4 in it and get it up to about 786 megs of ram, with a radeon 7000 pci card in it, and put jaguar on it.
i don't care if i could setup an uber fast amd or intel machine for the money. i already have enough of them and i am skilled enough with normal UN*X. and i also need to learn howto use the more advanced features like the network informatin manager/*well, read on a website to figure out howto get my nfs shares to be mounted at boot*/ and other stuff.
can i jump you and steal it? me wishes i wernt a poor ass white boy.
That's impresive, much hacking?
the best I did was Rapsody, well very early OS X Server (Pre OS X). Think it's Rapsody, on a rev a imac with 128 ram.
I heard that Rhapsody was also available for the x86 platform. Anyone know where I could get it?
Now tell me why they couldent keep that interface?
I mean, Aqua is pretty, and nice etc. But it's the only thing that keeps OSX running slow, and lacking backward compatability. What is wrong with a snappy window manager?
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