Operating Systems > macOS
Are any mac users here going to buy the new MS Office?
My mom owns a pirated copy for OS X, I hate it. The day microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck is the day they start making vacuum cleaners. For me it's not only a no, but a hell no-you-stupid assholes-who-keep-trying-to-sell-me-shit-that-I-don't-need.
No. I'm totally MS-free and intend to stay that way.
For Office apps, all I need are a text editor (Xnotes or Text Edit in Aqua, Nedit in X11) and a word processor (AbiWord, but KWrite is okay too). If I ever need a spreadsheet or database I'd use the KOffice ones.
I used AppleWorks in OS 9, but now that I know exactly what sort of apps I need, I have found free apps that work well for me.
I won't be "buying" it, if you know what I mean.
That means I will use my current copy duh... wut did u think i meant?
Seriously Open Office confuses me. Generally the reason I don't use MS software is because of its terrible UI. However, Open Office is just a horribly bad copy of Office? I don't understand. Does Open Office even run outside of X11 yet in OSX.
I find Word X to be perfectly satisfactory... and ultra compatible. The Mac version of Office is waaay better. If I write an "Englilsh" paper in Word X I get it done in about half of the time than if I used Word XP. I also include Jeffrey "The Yellow Dart" Bergier in my document. Word X has all sorts of features built into the window that in Word XP you have to go find in the menus, then you can't type while its open. My favorite built in tool in Word X that is not built in in Word XP is word count. Damn I love that thing just sitting at the bottom of my word document. Telling me how I am getting ever closer to being finished with this damn essay
Just my 2
No one likes corel word perfect?
quote:Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
I won't be "buying" it, if you know what I mean.
That means I will use my current copy duh... wut did u think i meant?
Seriously Open Office confuses me. Generally the reason I don't use MS software is because of its terrible UI. However, Open Office is just a horribly bad copy of Office? I don't understand. Does Open Office even run outside of X11 yet in OSX.
Just my 2
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