Operating Systems > macOS

Apple 'will not participate' in Boston Macworld


Oh dear,

Cut nose off to despite face...?



man... Apple needs to grow up. They still act like children


When your customers and partners want to go to Boston, how is it "hurting" you to go along with it? Welcome to the concepts of modern business

I think Apple is right, New York is the better place. For us europeans, the Big Apple is the gate to the US, not Boston. Boston for us is only known for one thing, the tea party. Kidding aside, Apple has a point when they say N.Y. attracts more people and gets more attention. Boston is too far off.

Yeah but the conference wont be held at New York either.  Everyone else wants to go to Boston and Apple has a choice - not attend, or go to Boston.  Going to Boston would probably be better than not attending at all...


quote:Originally posted by Faust:
Yeah but the conference wont be held at New York either.  Everyone else wants to go to Boston and Apple has a choice - not attend, or go to Boston.  Going to Boston would probably be better than not attending at all...
--- End quote ---

no it wouldn't... If apple goes to boston, then it will never go back to NY... Apple has 2 choices.  Lose a lot this year and maybe next or lose small amounts every year.  Cus not as many people will be in boston to hit Macworld as in NY.  By the my way or the highway approach.  Apple will make more money once they move the show back to NY.  Cus wut is Macworld without Apple.

as the article says.
when apple doesn't show up or steve jobs doesn't have a keynote, less people come.  Causing less vendors to come.  So either Macworld will die or it will go back to NY

I'm waiting for it to go to NY
Would you go to Macworld if they moved it from San Francisco to LA or San Diego or Sacramento.... I wouldn't


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