Operating Systems > macOS

Got rid of all the windows boxes...

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Hi all you guys out there...

I had 6 PC's at home, all top notch.  Then I bought my first PowerMac (Dual G4 500)
and I started trashing my PC's.  Now I have an iBook, Powerbook G4, PowerMac G4 and a Cube.  I turned the only PC which was left
into my webserver running FreeBSD on it.  Since then it doesn't crash anymore, it talks AppleTalk it is the printserver for the Macs and my wife and me we are happy about the decision to get rid of all that PC junk.

Since then we have more time for each other since we get our work done more quickly than ever before.    

good for you,
Right now I'm looking at a new iBook, My First Mac. (Real Computer)

i hate ibooks   :(

Fuck You Too

I'm also getting an iBook soon; however, I'm facing an agonizing decision since I don't have enough money to get both:

Which is more important, an iPod or an Airport card and hub? (-; (Actually, since it is going on my financial aid, I'll probably find a way to get both . . .)


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