Operating Systems > macOS

mac parts

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Ya, it is my understanding that late modle G3's have similar mobo's as the G4's. Get one of those and put in an upgade card.

That's what you should look at, not the specific G4 mobo.

Yes, those Open Platform G4 motherboards are more expensive than hell. I recommend you purchase an older G3, do a case mod and a ZIF upgrade on it, and post the pictures and specs here.

Very Nice!

Now i just have to get the money Somehow? (jobless at hte moment  :(  )

Master of Reality:
i wish i had a job.... wait... no i dont... I wish i had inherited millions of dollars from my grandparents, then bought a whole bunch of small companies with good ideas, then change the ideas to make me the most profit  

[ June 26, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]


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