Author Topic: The Processors  (Read 979 times)


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The Processors
« on: 2 December 2001, 08:37 »
Ok i'm a little confused -- the G4 processor is supposedly 128 bit and the G3 64 bit .  So than why does the G5 say its only a 32-64 bit processor  whats with that??? isnt that like a step backwards???   can someone please fill me in on what this is all about please.

Any way  gotta love the power you get from the macs  they could improve on the graphics chips abit    

Mac OS X is a dream to use  and contrary to popular belief it looks nothing like Linux -- I've seen red hat 7.2 it doesn't have the pollished look and the 3-D looks, not the same quality shadowing ect ect...  any way not that i am saying linux is bad after all it is free    all i'm saying is that you get more if you actualy pay for the operating system.

But hey for a free OS linux rox   :D  

Mac OS X has an awsome interface and has some nice reflective looks its also easy to use.  But that doesn' make an OS good   it is also extremely functional practicle and well designed.  

Gotta Love Apple for turning out OS X so fast aswell     --    Power Book G4 rules aswell.

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The Processors
« Reply #1 on: 2 December 2001, 21:20 »
The G3 and G4 are 32-bit chips.  (So are the 604, 603, and 601 that preceded the G3.)  Not sure where you ever heard otherwise.

The G5 will be 32 and 64 bit.  I don't think there ARE any 128-bit chips.

The other stuff -- yeah.  I'm using OS X right now.  Very, very sexy.  It runs well on a G3 (with enough RAM), and really nicely on a G4.  But it was born for the G5.


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The Processors
« Reply #2 on: 2 December 2001, 21:41 »
I thought the G4 was a G3 with a 128 bit altivec engine?


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The Processors
« Reply #3 on: 25 December 2001, 01:52 »
Originally posted by The Webmaster:
I'm using OS X right now.  Very, very sexy.  It runs well on a G3 (with enough RAM), and really nicely on a G4.  But it was born for the G5.

I'm running X.1 on a 300mhz Wallstreet w/512megs RAM and in my opinion it's barely adequate.
X should be run on a DP G4 or G5/G6.

I think I'm going to go to Yellow Dog anyway.
It's just a shame to have to give up OmniWeb.
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