Operating Systems > macOS
Dell vs. Apple
You can't deny cost really... Dell's are cheaper... :D But you probably mean cost relative to quality or performance or some other unmeasurable shit like that.
The ratio of dollars to power and quality is a lot different, and then there's TCO.
I dont know much about Dell computers in terms of price or quality, however some of Dell's business practices are truly intriguing. For instance Dell sells their computers directly to the consumer whereas almost every other major computer manufacturer sells their computers through a middle man like a retail electronics store. This enabled them to keep more of the profits for themselves. This alone is smart business and the only advantage they have over the countless other computer manufacturers. My Aunt owns a Dell computer and it really has been no problem for her, however I own 3 Emachine computers and they all have run excellently for me, including my former web server which had over 200 days uptime.
The company that I think makes the worst computers is definately Microtel with Lindows.
happy holloween everybody! wanna do something scary for the holiday? try removing some proprietary software from a dell pc. i don't know about you but those freaky blue screans always make me jump. and what about all those "ghost" files that keep filling up my hard drive? spooky. i think i need a computer exorcist.
JESUS CHRIST! Couldn't make that URL a bit longer, could you? You know, because I love scrolling sideways.
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