Operating Systems > macOS

Dell vs. Apple

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one time a friend of mine(who constantly says I should get a windows comp) got a brand new dell but it was fucked when he got it so they had to send him a new one. He was gloating to me about how great it was that they replaced the system that was fucked in the first place

I'm a Dell owner, and i can honestly say that DELLS SUCK. Adjusted for price, they're probably almost as bad as emachines. I've never bought anything from Dell before, but I know I never will again.

Another reason to hate Dell if you're a Mac user is the minor rivalry between Steve Jobs and Mikey Dell.  The latter has a tendency to shoot his mouth off about Apple in the press rather frequently, and he always ends up being proven wrong eventually.  He made the infamous "Apple is done; if I ran the company, I'd close it and give the money back to the shareholders" remark a few years ago.  The guy is notorious for having his head up his ass.

He makes remarks like this because at the end of the day, he knows he creates nothing, he innovates nothing, he contributes nothing.  He will die and be forgotten by anyone with an imagination.  Bean-counters and those who think money is the only reason to be alive are the kinds of people Mikey Dell matter to, and even then it's questionable.

No, he is a jealous little man who longs for Apple's brand recognition and "cool" factor amoung young people (also known as "tomorrow's computer buyers").  He is hurt by the fact that Apple can put out an operating system upgrade and get more press than a full year of new Dell systems.  He knows that he just churns out the same crap other PC manufacturers do, with nothing differentiating except price.  He knows he runs a McDonald's or Wal-Mart operation, something that no one cares about.  People don't really love or hate Dell; they just plain don't notice it.  Which is worst of all, really.

So he shoots his mouth off about Apple, and . . . well, that to me is reason enough to hate the bastard and his little toy company.

Dell owner twice. First was not my choice. Desktop PC. POS. 2nd a laptop. Very nice. No complaints yet.

Today some people at my school tried to convince me that Dell was far superior than Apple today, didn't go so well. They brought up the usual arguments like processor speed and initial cost. Even after I tried explaining things I couldn't convince them. Oh well, maybe someday I'll convince them . . .


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