Operating Systems > macOS
iPod Hacks
Looks like a bunch of people weren't happy with the default activities of their iPod and decided to add onto it... iPod Hacks is a website where they discuss various hacks.
One of their most recent articles involved taking a Coke-drowned iPod and bringing it back to life (sadly, the hard drive was toast).
So, what do you think?
I just got a ten gig ipod like three days ago, it kicks ass!...
quote:Originally posted by trc3:
I just got a ten gig ipod like three days ago, it kicks ass!...
--- End quote ---
Rip it open and post the pictures of the insides here, please.
Did you get it engraved?
I dunno about ripping it open, although I would like to see the inside. Theirs no screws or anything, the only way I can see it opening is to take a screw driver or something to the side and pop it open, but I dunno about all that. I didnt get it engraved, seemed like a waste of time. But if anyone could point out an easier way to open it up im down.
i think that apple should get with the program and make an ogg enabled ipod, then all the linux d00dz would by one/*me included, once i get xtunes to compile, and my sb audigy*/
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