Operating Systems > macOS

Defending Windows over Mac a sign of mental illness



(Too bad I

This article sums up every IT department ive had the misfortune to call for any IT support.

A classic example - I managed a mac based design studio in one of the largest oil companies in the world.

We recently upgraded to Mac OS X Panther, got G5's etc and expanded.

I needed an ethernet port made active in a floorbox by one of the network guys and I had to avoid the fact that it would be used by a new 17" Imac.

If I had told him it was for anew designer who will be using a mac he would have said "we don't support macs - macs arnt allowed on the network".

Fucking windozzzzz losers -WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE - Why are all IT departments so blind to an alternative??


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