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I am looking into buying a MAC in the next month or so. My budget is extreamly limiteds so i was thinking about going with a B&W G3. I have been looking on ebay and they seem to be around 300$ or so and i could aford that. Would a G3 be abvle to run Panther? Also i would also be planning on upgrading it to a G4 a little later. Is that idea feasible? Also would it be cheaper to build one or just to buy a complete one. I have acces to cdroms and harddrives and ram at scool so i could get all those for free. The only hard thing to get would be the MotherBoard and case/power supply.


quote:Originally posted by wild_jester / BOB:
I am looking into buying a MAC in the next month or so. My budget is extreamly limiteds so i was thinking about going with a B&W G3. I have been looking on ebay and they seem to be around 300$ or so and i could aford that. Would a G3 be abvle to run Panther? Also i would also be planning on upgrading it to a G4 a little later. Is that idea feasible? Also would it be cheaper to build one or just to buy a complete one. I have acces to cdroms and harddrives and ram at scool so i could get all those for free. The only hard thing to get would be the MotherBoard and case/power supply.
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For your budget, this Mac looks like an excellent buy. This seller has alot of positive feedback. Thats always good.

Power Mac G4 Tower, 450MHZ, AGP, DVD-ROM, 256MB RAM, 20GB Hard Drive. $380 is currently the bid you need to beat out the rest of the bids.

I don't think you would be able to upgrade a G3 Mac to a G4. You may be able to stick a G4 motherboard in a G3 tower, but any other G3 is probably a lost cause for upgrading(I don't know this for sure, someone else may be able to answer this accuratley).

[ October 22, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


quote: Would a G3 be abvle to run Panther?
--- End quote ---

Yes. But get a G4 if you can.

Mac is not an acronym. It's short for Macintosh. Please don't capitalize it.

the best thing in the world just showed up... the G4 iBook

G4 iBooks

get one... and remember, it's "Macintosh", not "MAC"

Duo Maxwell:
Try http://www.powermax.com/ they have used and refurb Macs for decent prices, and at least you'll know that you wont get screwed.


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