Operating Systems > macOS
My old mac
Heres the go, westside.
I have a mac its an LC575, not a powerpc and it runs System Software 7.5.5.
Once again i wanna do shit on it, and shit requires stuffit expander, you see the thing is that stuffit expander comes is hqx format, which you need expander to expand anyway so how do i expand my shit if the expander comes in compressed form?
In other words, how to i install stuffit expander that will work on my old mac?
Hey Doogee,
Ignore this reply because it is not going to solve ur fucked up problem.
All I can tell u is that "At least ur mac Works"
I hope that helps because it didn't help me.
You that mac has it's own OS unlike Palm. Wait Palm has it's own OS. It's called Palm OS. lol that's funny.
Do you like palm trees? I don't!
Did u know that this reply is NOT going to solve ur problem? Cause I did!
Do u know who wrote this? I did!
Bet u didn't know that!
I am out of here!
by the way, this reply is NOT going to solve your problem.
quote:Originally posted by Doogee : Back with Redhat:
Heres the go, westside.
I have a mac its an LC575, not a powerpc and it runs System Software 7.5.5.
Once again i wanna do shit on it, and shit requires stuffit expander, you see the thing is that stuffit expander comes is hqx format, which you need expander to expand anyway so how do i expand my shit if the expander comes in compressed form?
In other words, how to i install stuffit expander that will work on my old mac?
--- End quote ---
:confused: :confused: wha...? :confused: :confused:
right the problem is.
All programs to download off the net for my old ass lc575 mac requires a program called alladin stuffit expander (or another way to open hqx and bin files) BUT the problem is that the expander comes in hqx form.
Dont macs even have an executable format of any kind?
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