Author Topic: PowerBook owners see spots  (Read 893 times)


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PowerBook owners see spots
« Reply #1 on: 3 November 2003, 21:13 »
that's a pretty serious issue, and they'd better do something about it. if this is supposed to be "the year of the notebook", then they need to watch their quality control.

oh, and they need to drop the G4 in notebooks in favor of fast AltiVec enabled G3s... AND PUT THEIR MARKETING DEPARTMENT IN FRONT OF A FIRING SQUAD.

the 750GX, with Velocity Engine enabled is a superior product to Moto's 7400 series. The G4 sucks shit compared to IBM's stuff. Why don't they use a nice, fast 1.1GHz G3 with altivec in the new iBook?


and that's their problem nowadays. I feel that engineering falls behind marketing. they said that the G3 "cannot be better" than the G4... no matter what. It doesn't matter that the G4 is going to run half again as hot, and suck down more battery power.

it doesn't matter if it's going to cause the logic board to fail three times within the warranty period. the G4 is "better".

better my ass. unfulfilled promises. I say drop all the Moto 7400-series processors, replace them with 750GX chips, and keep calling them G4s.

If I'm not mistaken, the 750GX also supports SMP as well if not better than the G4. If it's a marketing thing, then why don't they "market" 750GXes as G4s?

why don't they market better quality stuff? My Powerbook 1400 is going to run until the end of time. My iBook 600 probably won't be too far behind.

But these new books with ridiculous radeon graphics and mega-hot processors are gonna die in 5 years or so.

so anyway... they better fix the problem or there's gonna be a lot of pissed off people... oh wait... THERE ALREADY ARE!
Go the fuck ~


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PowerBook owners see spots
« Reply #2 on: 4 November 2003, 02:09 »
Originally posted by The Merciless Darth Jimmy James:
that's a pretty serious issue, and they'd better do something about it. if this is supposed to be "the year of the notebook", then they need to watch their quality control.

oh, and they need to drop the G4 in notebooks in favor of fast AltiVec enabled G3s... AND PUT THEIR MARKETING DEPARTMENT IN FRONT OF A FIRING SQUAD.

the 750GX, with Velocity Engine enabled is a superior product to Moto's 7400 series. The G4 sucks shit compared to IBM's stuff. Why don't they use a nice, fast 1.1GHz G3 with altivec in the new iBook?


and that's their problem nowadays. I feel that engineering falls behind marketing. they said that the G3 "cannot be better" than the G4... no matter what. It doesn't matter that the G4 is going to run half again as hot, and suck down more battery power.

it doesn't matter if it's going to cause the logic board to fail three times within the warranty period. the G4 is "better".

better my ass. unfulfilled promises. I say drop all the Moto 7400-series processors, replace them with 750GX chips, and keep calling them G4s.

If I'm not mistaken, the 750GX also supports SMP as well if not better than the G4. If it's a marketing thing, then why don't they "market" 750GXes as G4s?

why don't they market better quality stuff? My Powerbook 1400 is going to run until the end of time. My iBook 600 probably won't be too far behind.

But these new books with ridiculous radeon graphics and mega-hot processors are gonna die in 5 years or so.

so anyway... they better fix the problem or there's gonna be a lot of pissed off people... oh wait... THERE ALREADY ARE!

could you perhaps find a link to information about the 750GX on the ibm site? i can't find anything about it on their site, which seriously makes me question if it actually exists. also, the logic board failures with ibooks is with the G3 ibooks, the G4 ones havn't even been out two weeks, i seriously doubt there are mass logic board failures yet.


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« Reply #3 on: 4 November 2003, 02:31 »
the problems with the G3 books comes from the ATI video board which runs hotter than the main processor. don't worry, you'll possibly see many, many more board failures soon with the G4 books. They added an even HOTTER video board, and are using a processor that's easily half again as hot. wow.

honey, the stove went out!

No problem, I'll fire up the iBook!

It's not talked about on that page, but the GX can handle SMP, as well as could be built to include AltiVec. All Apple had to do was ask.

[ November 03, 2003: Message edited by: The Merciless Darth Jimmy James ]

Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #4 on: 4 November 2003, 03:57 »
what is it about apple computers that every time there is hardware or software flaw it ends up on the news ?

apple has a harder time making their hardware work because they change engineering plans on it so much. First you go to titanium, then to aluminum.  Then your going to CRT all in one system to LCD all in one system but still not giving up the CRT all in one system.

PC's haven't changed shit over time.  You have your box, you have your monitor, if your lucky you might get a laptop that's pretty decent.  Gateway has been improving their products a lot since competition with dell is fierce but they are still the same basic thing.

Apple is innovative but they innovate too much.  With these new laptops they've changed a lot. The LCD iMac came out a couple years ago or so and they haven't changed those things very much at all. Though they've corrected their problems and the iMacs have become even better machines.
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« Reply #5 on: 4 November 2003, 04:24 »
Originally posted by mushrooomprince:
what is it about apple computers that every time there is hardware or software flaw it ends up on the news ?

When people with their dells have problems they don't complain... and if they do, Dell ignores them.  We are spoiled with quality and therefore we whine more (rightly so too).  That is what makes Apple better.  So since a higher % of the customers whine it becomes public.  Where Dell might get a very small % of complaints compared to Apple so they can hide it away in the dark dungeons of Dell Tech Support.