Operating Systems > macOS
ok my new ibook has just arrived i wanted to ask do any of you know how to set up broadband on a apple airport base.
also could you tell me about any p2p programs on the mac thanks
If you want p2p, learn yourself some google. I havent used an airport base, but if it acts at all like any other router, then i am assuming that you can type into your browser, enter the admin username & password, then configure it. Read the documentation that came with the equipment.
to configure your base station... first read the instructions (i don't have a base station) but then I would assume you go to the Airport Base Station Config Utility in your Utilities folder in your Applications folder.
as for p2p get Poisoned. But remember pirating is wrong and against the law.
Are you suggesting copying software without permission is the moral equivilant of attacking a ship?
If you don't agree that it is, please don't use the smear word "piracy." You're just playing into the media companies' hands when you do.
Thank you ;)
actually no you see all of money has been spent on paying for an ibook. Firstly iam a student and to buy some of the software i need for school may take months for mr to work for enough money to buy them.
and i do try to buy officail stuff from shops i bought photoshop elements 2.0 from argos i've got the receipt also its actually the software makers fault for realeasing student licence software that costs a load of cash. To be honest i think we should get 50-60% discount but seing as companies only have students and businesses to buy their software we have to pay rediculus prices
why do you think Im not using linux anymore I have no choice i have to get the software my school uses or basically they will flunk me. i once gave in a screenshot of open office in one of my assignments and i was told to go back again and do my work on ms. Maybe if corparations stop making schools enforce their software we would not need to get pirate software we could gust use open scource alternatives.
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