Operating Systems > macOS
p2p apps check out limewire, and mlMac. Not that I would ever use something like that. cause stealing is wrong.
check out www.zeropaid.com they have alot of p2p apps for all platforms mac, p.c., and linux
fuck pirating. i hate it. im scared to use my computer because i keep expecting black helicopters to fly over my house and drop 50 armed adobe & autodesk commandos with a mission to kill. me. no. Fuck using warez. I cant wait until early 2004 when i can finally get the software legit.
I would suggest avoiding proprietary software entirely, if it is at all possible. Donating 10 dollars to the GIMP developers is much more worthwhile in my opinion, when you take a long-term view of things. If everyone who wanted an alternative to Photoshop did that GIMP would be better by now. (Actually, having looked at recent development builds, it is pretty damn close)
This new year I am going to become a card carrying member of the free software foundation and am making a donation of 10 dollars to the KDE project. ;) If everyone did that, or even less (1 dollar per person adds up if there are a million users) it could make a huge difference.
quote:Originally posted by kibawarior:
yeah open office is really good for students like moi . I go back and I ask me teach why this was he told me it is an international course requirement aparantly even if the gui is the same you can't use it in you're work. You have to show that you can use microsoft office and other apps like photoshop
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you know why that is??? its because MS has a monopoly. If you HAVE to use something... the people who sell that something have a monopoly. Microsoft does not have a monopoly in any way except Office software.
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