Darwin project or Darwine project?
heh, I can answer both.
Darwin is the open source BSD variant for PPC architecture that OSX is based on. If something is supposed to work in Darwin, it will work on a Mac, in theory.
Darwine is the wine project for Darwin. Wine, in typical gnu fashion, stands for 'Wine Is Not an Emulator'. But that's only technical, for newbie purposes, it functions as an emulator. Using it, people have been known to run Windows programs, like Word and Photoshop on their Linux machines. It's not perfect, because MS only releases partial APIs, so the rest has to be guessed and tested. Anyway, if wine were to run on Darwin, then you could use it on your Mac. It is not technically an emulator, and thus does not have the same problems that emulators do, like incomplete environments and on-the-fly instruction translation.
Oh, and since wine is open source, and Darwin is open source, Darwine will be open source, which will be free.
Till then, maybe this VPC might be a good idea, if it works.