Operating Systems > macOS

Which OS for a Performa 640CD DOS Compatible?

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If you need a little background, it's got a 33 MHZ 68040 and a 33 MHX 486 in one box, and you can assign Mac folders to be PC disks.

I've got 8.0 and 7.5.5 happily running on the Mac side, but I want to install a real OS on the PC side. Recommendations? I'm a total Maccie, so I'd rather not learn a bunch of terminal commands.

How much RAM?

Old windows 3.1, fun to mess with.

But I bet you anything, Void will hook you up with a fine ol'skool Linux/UNIX OS.

Get 'em void  ;)

Master of Reality:
windows of course!!!!
it depends on how much RAM you have as voidmain said.
 FreeBSD can run on 4 MB of ram (needs 5MB for the isntall though)

Win3.1 will work okay on the DOS side, but I think it'd be cool for you to learn a little bit of Linux or BSD...


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