Operating Systems > macOS
Pathetic Windoze-oriented spammers
Like I'm gonna be fooled by an ugly-as-shit GUI trying to trick me into clicking their link.
I normally NEVER get pop-up (thank you Mozilla!), but I was taking Opera for a spin and got this one.
Why on earth do you have IE, Opera, Chimera, and Mozilla ALL open!!?
Gotta say that is fuglie man...not it's FUGLIE. Like anyone is going to click that after the way it looks.
I got a Homer type shudder going on just looking at it.
You gotta turn off pop-ups in Opera.
erm...you are aware you still got IE on your screen there...not meaning to elicit nasty response, but do you actually need it, are you doing webdesign so it's there to prove your sites or something.. cos if not well..I shall be very very... upset....okay? *starts backing away like psycho just entered the room*
I also had iCab and OmniWeb open.
Just an impromptu browser party.
My GF is the one who uses IE.
I tried to sell her on Mozilla, but she's used to IE from her work, even though her work PC running IE6 for Windoze and IE 5.2.1 for OS X are NOTHING alike.
Any time she visits a site and our machine identifies itself to the server as IE, it's just re-affirming M$ presence on the web.
I'll try another Mozilla sales pitch tonight.
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