Operating Systems > macOS

That "Video Professor" Idiot on TV.

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From someone on the MacAddict Forums who heard a radio show with him as a guest:
quote:Female TV Personality: "I find it hard to believe that there are people out there in this day and age who don't know how to use a computer at all. Is it really true?"
Video Professor (ass): "Yeah, they're called Mac users. Ha ha."
Male TV Personality: "Ha ha, yeah, all three of 'em."
--- End quote ---

What a fucking tool.
No wonder he has to go on TV practically begging people to try his shit for free. He's obviously catering to the lowest common denominator.

Which radio show was this?

Well at least they know enough about computers to realise that WIndows is shit.  ;)


quote:Originally posted by cocoamix:
From someone on the MacAddict Forums who heard a radio show with him as a guest:

What a fucking tool.
No wonder he has to go on TV practically begging people to try his shit for free. He's obviously catering to the lowest common denominator.
--- End quote ---

lets gather in typical american fasion and sue this asshole.  He just called us stupid.  However, it is funny how he says Mac users are stupid, when the only retard videos he makes are for windows users.

It's quite ironic that most Mac users actually know more than the average user for the simple reason that they are using a non-mainstream platform. Heck, they can do more with their computers than some Windows users who lose precious time struggling to learn how it works.


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