Operating Systems > macOS
That "Video Professor" Idiot on TV.
I think he's just angry that the Mac is so easy to use that he doesn't need to sell his shitty "LEARNING HOW TO TURN ON YOUR FUCKING COMPUTER, IDIOT" videos.
Seriously, don't let it get under your skin when some moron says something bad about the OS in public. After all, this guy makes his money off of selling instructional videos which closely mirror the F1 key on Orifice applications.
If nothing else, it proves Windows users are stupid sheep who would feel better about buying something than consulting the help built into their programs.
Oh, and here's the forum post, using my amazing Searching skillz:
[ June 14, 2003: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
in the end of one of their infomercials they showed some dumass how to put clipart into a word file. It took her 30 minutes with the program to figure it out
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