Operating Systems > macOS

Why the Mac is so great!

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Wow, these Apple sites keep popping up. I'm starting to feel like there's no reason to have my own.

a very poorly designed broken linked outdated site with no locateable useful information.

Sorry to be so negative, but it needs work.

And yes I am a mac person.

here is why i think the mac is so great. i get home, and for shits & giggles, i turn my mac & my windows2000 machine at the same time. By the time windows was up, i had downloaded & opened 7 messages in my inbox, replied to one, and had safari open to the forums. pulled out my bills and waited for explorer to start.....


quote:Originally posted by Xyle: iGeek...:
here is why i think the mac is so great. i get home, and for shits & giggles, i turn my mac & my windows2000 machine at the same time. By the time windows was up, i had downloaded & opened 7 messages in my inbox, replied to one, and had safari open to the forums. pulled out my bills and waited for explorer to start.....
--- End quote ---

The speed a system boots has nothing to do with its usefulness. My Linux boxes take long times to boot, so I very rarely boot them. 63 days uptime isnt so bad.


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