Operating Systems > macOS
Why the Mac is so great!
quote: The speed a system boots has nothing to do with its usefulness. My Linux boxes take long times to boot, so I very rarely boot them. 63 days uptime isnt so bad.
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true. my redHat box takes a bit to load. But it is nice to have a computer that starts up really fast. especially since i shut it down every night..
That could be a useful site, that is if it wasn't a bit outdated and if all the links worked.
quote:Originally posted by Panos:
That could be a useful site, that is if it wasn't a bit outdated and if all the links worked.
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I think all the info. is good, and he has been keeping it up to date, but for some reason or another a bunch of the links are broken!
I should write him an e-mail, cuz ultimately it's a good site, just needs better design is all.
Looks like the webmaster is on holiday in Switzerland (he posted a notice on his site), so I guess that when he comes back he'll update his links.
Doctor V:
whats up with them new mac laptops. In japan they are selling like mad. Everyone's getting one. Like everyone has one and stuff, whats going on?
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