Operating Systems > macOS

USB 2.0 on Recent Powermacs


MacNN headline here.

                                      Following reports of a USB 2.0 chipset in some newer Power Macs, MacNN reader Steve Chung writes about unofficial USB 2.0 drivers for MDD Power Macs: "According to a Korean site Create Mac, it appears that the drivers for the USB 2.0 chipset in the MDD 1.25 and 1.42 Ghz are updated and confirmed that they do work. However, it also says that extreme caution should be taken and that only the two MDD models have been tested. (No liability for damaged systems.) Installation on other models could render the system inoperable."                                      
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I havn't been able to try this due to the fact that i have an iBook and iMac, but, try this at your own risk and post your results (if any) =)

Why would anyone care about USB 2.0 when Firewire 800 is here?

Sure, it's nice to have the option, but I have yet to hear anything that great about USB 2.0.

[ April 22, 2003: Message edited by: cocoamix ]


quote:Originally posted by cocoamix:
Why would anyone care about USB 2.0 when Firewire 800 is here?

Sure, it's nice to have the option, but I have yet to hear anything that great about USB 2.0.

[ April 22, 2003: Message edited by: cocoamix ]
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I absolutely second that!   ;)

its cheaper to implement than firewire, so it will be more popular and the devices will be cheaper.  That means more USB.  If I had it my way USB 2 would be gone, but it is the more economical, yet less advanced solution.


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