Operating Systems > macOS
Israfel: Angel of Music aka my G5!
My lovely G5 1.6 arrived and I'm getting everything configured. So far, I've named most of my Macs after angels. My 500MHz iMac is Zeruel, the Angel of Might. The G4 is Tabris, angel of Free Will, as it was purchased against the wishes of everybody I knew who said I should get a Hell... I mean Dell. The G5, being my new audio box, is Israfel, who is the angel of music. I thought it quite fitting.
It's not for religious reasons, though. I just thought the names were really wonderful, and I saw Neon Genesis Evangelion and the bad guys were alien creatures dubbed with the names of the angels.
It's easily 3x the speed of my G4, and I'm already pleased with all my audio apps.
The only beef I guess I've got is that I had to get the 1.6 and pay $2800 to get the same package as the 1.8 because I have a specialized audio card that doesn't work with the PCI-X slots :mad:
Ehh, It's a G5!
Jimmy said
quote: Tabris, angel of Free Will
--- End quote ---
Maybe Windoids should read the Bible??
A born again Linux User!
I don't know if Tabris shows up in the Bible. I'm not a Christian, myself, and haven't read the Bible in years. Tabris is one of the angels of the God of Abraham, though.
quote:Originally posted by Jimmy James is COOL:
I don't know if Tabris shows up in the Bible. I'm not a Christian, myself, and haven't read the Bible in years. Tabris is one of the angels of the God of Abraham, though.
--- End quote ---
You totally wrecked a great joke :D
I have never read the Bible, I figured I would thumb through it when armogedon came about :D
oops. lol
I figured there was humor involved, but somehow I failed to pick up on it... how unlike me
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