Operating Systems > macOS
Israfel: Angel of Music aka my G5!
suselinux, those who plan to repent at the eleventh hour die at ten thirty, to paraphrase the general gist of modern christianity! that just goes to say something about their paranoid religion if you ask me, as a polytheist i do agree that the christians may have a point, but as an Integrational Polytheist, i frown on their closedmindedness about claiming that everybody except them is wrong, and is therefore damned eternally. That's not a nice thing to say to your neighbours.
as for the angels, where would one find out about them? the apocrypha? has it got to do with all that stuff about conversing to the angels in their own language? (i forget what that is called)
I just googled it, "angel names"
There are however a number you'll find missing.
Bardiel, Zeruel, Armisael, and a few others don't typically appear in the lists, as they're more Jewish than Christian.
as for conversing with angels, I dunno if I'd wanna talk to some of these characters...
[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: Jimmy James is COOL ]
quote: I just googled it, "angel names"
--- End quote ---
since when did google become a verb?
[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: The Stiller ]
always has been, didn't you know?
Enochian, that's what i was thinking of! damn complicated mysticism, basically.
quote:Originally posted by Jimmy James is COOL:
So far, I've named most of my Macs after angels.
--- End quote ---
You're a sad little man...
And the link in your sig to buy a Mac goes to wwwapple.com
[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: Fett101 ]
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