Operating Systems > macOS

Dell's supercomputer. HA!

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quote:cahult: I

Ha, but do you think apple is going to take all that shit about the G5 being "the world's fastest personal computer" off their site?  Not bloody likely!


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:

They actually do show the real world, and it shows that the G5 is expencive and slow.
--- End quote ---

Ummm... how so? Even by this chart the G5 ain't down by much. Not only that, it's deffinetly on-par with most high end consumer model systems. I also maintain what I said in previous discusions on the subject, I have seen bench marks going both ways, in all of them the G5 is either on-par, slightly ahead, or slightly behind.

So how is your statement here true?

Im actually reading the test bed of applications they set up.

Premier, PS7, Word, and Quake III.

Premier? Adobe's video software is nutoriously slow on OSX not by apple's fault, but by Adobe's failure to optamize. Try using Final Cut Pro and see who gets smoked!

Word? WTF? WORD? Ya, I need speed for that. Shit I need to push a 300+ framerate to get that spreadsheet looking good. Fuck you! Comeon. Not to mention that Word is a bloated piece of shit. I could care less what a find and replace in word takes!

Quake III. I personaly am sick of this test, but 3D has more to do with your vid card than your processor. There comes a point where you don't gain much. Also, if 260+ FPS ain't good enugh for you, I don't know what to say. As far as I know, most monitor redraw hovered at around 80FPS.

I could cook up an equaly damning chart myself by picking some 'known' slow applications, and touting the G5's superiority.

My conlcusion, this article is full of baloney, and conducts a less than exaustive test with inconclusive, meaningless results.

[ October 15, 2003: Message edited by: psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax ]


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