Operating Systems > macOS
Which OS to use on a G3?
I just bought a G3 blue and white 350mhz. It came loaded with mac 9.2.2 and with Mac 10.2.2. Which one should I use , I think that the OS X looks great , but My buddy says that there is too many glitches with mac X. I have alot of older kids games like reader rabbit etc, would these run on mac X . I really only want to use one system ,What do you guys think. Thanks
OS X is more modern, UNIX based, et cetera. 9.2.2 is the original Mac OS. It'll be snappier and more responsive, but less stable.
I'm not saying 9 is "unstable"... quite the opposite. I have no trouble with 9. But if you get a misbehaved app, it can bring the whole thing down. Not so with OS X.
My suggestion, upgrade your RAM to at *least* 256MB, 512 if you can afford it, and then, replace the video card. PCI Radeons can use Quartz Extreme in 10.2. Finally, a new HD will help speed things up with higher transfer rates, et cetera.
Stick with OS X is my suggestion!
Your older software may or may not work. Test them in OS 9 first. If they run there, then they'll work in Classic, which is what X uses to run non-OS X software. Also... if you choose to stay with OS X, DO NOT remove the OS 9 System Folder. It's required for Classic to run!
[ December 04, 2002: Message edited by: Jimmy James: Mac Commando ]
Glitches in OS X? Don't think so, at least with 10.2.2 which is solid as a rock! Older versions of OS X were propably a bit more unstable and a lot slower (at least until 10.1.5), but 10.2.2 is truly awesome! I don't know how it would run on a G3@350 MHz (perhaps a bit slower than it does on newer G3s and G4s), so I would suggest getting LOTS of RAM.
Go for it! You'll simply love OS X! ;)
i must say that osX is THE BEST os i have ever used.
i have had no problems, or errors (well, i had one error recently that required me to restart finder, but i didnt have to reboot!!). i havent used system 9 enough to say anyting about it, when i got my mac it had osX.1 on it, so thats what i used.
i have an older 300mhz ibook with like 166mbRam and jaguar runs fine. it does slow down sometimes, but not enough to piss me off ;) osXjaguar runs like a champ on my g4 though :D
I got a 6.1 gig harddrive and 512 mb ram. Now I want to get a burner, but don't want to spent too much money. Will os 10.2.2 have drivers built in already? My buddy wants to sell me a creative rw 8439e. Will this work with my system/ Finally should I get more ram to make it real quick? Thanks guys!!
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