Operating Systems > macOS

Which OS to use on a G3?

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A bigger harddrive would be nice. More RAM is allways a plus. Anything over 128MB. A video card upgrade is a MUST have. Otherwise it will be sluggish.

As far as the CDRW goes, OSX should recognize it fine. That is, does it work in any other Mac's? OS9 or otherwise.

Check the manufacturers website for compatability and availability of driver updates. If it's a common make, OSX likely supports it.

dern near any IDE burner is going to work

how about a creative rw 8439e. I couldn't find the drivers on their site , will mac10.2.2 have the driver for this burner? Thanks

like linux and every other unix i know, alot of support is included by default./*hmmm, firewire burners are sweet, os 9.1 didn't like the one i used*/


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