Operating Systems > macOS

Virtual PC? Whats up with that?

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Does it actually work? How well does it emulate windows software, i.e. games. Or is it just for office and stuff.

What windows programs do you need to run on a mac?  Viruses?


quote: i.e. games.
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games mostly

I was going to get VPC until MS bought it, now i have gone with alternatives instead and i am happy to report i am 100% MS free with my mac!


quote:Originally posted by Windows XP Hater #2874586:

games mostly
--- End quote ---

VPC does not have DirectX...so, in other words it will not work with 99.999% of winblows games

Warcraft III is both Mac/PC, so if you bought the PC version, there is a Mac installer...same thing with Quake 3 gold, and a bunch of others, I'm sure.

Other Mac Game Porters/Mfrs:
And many more.

So, in other words, it's pretty much for Office. Appleworks can read and save in Office formats, as can a few others (Thinkoffice, etc). M$ actually makes Office for Mac, too.

So, there is almost no point in owning VPC.   :eek:  
Glad I saved you the $230, aren't ya?

[ March 26, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]


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