Operating Systems > macOS

Virtual PC? Whats up with that?

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Too bad none of us want to use any windows-only apps besides games, and like people said, direct x isn't included so it's rather pointless!

but you know, sometimes you got that hankerin to run Word Pad

Then again, maybe not

Most software I use in Windows can also be used in Linux. Mozilla for webbrowsing, Gaim for AIM, ICQ and Y!IM, dMSN for MSN Messenger, OOo as my office packet, X-Chat for IRC, Vi IMproved to edit text, CSS, PHP, HTML.

And most games can be emulated through WineX (probably gonna pay for that, but it's a small price to pay for such good software). Otherwise, I'll just get some ports (you'll be amazed how cheap Linux and Mac OS X ports cost  :D )

The only things I would miss are Ad-aware and Spybot. They are very good programs. Too bad they have no use in Linux.

well...good points..but they say it is literally windows..i haven't used it but beside direct x i think it must be having many uses...think of files and music and movies that we can enjoy on mac using Win...i hope this makes some sense...cause game is not the thing for you use Wins...  ;)


quote:Originally posted by Silent Warrior:
well...good points..but they say it is literally windows..i haven't used it but beside direct x i think it must be having many uses...think of files and music and movies that we can enjoy on mac using Win...i hope this makes some sense...cause game is not the thing for you use Wins...    ;)  
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MP3's - iTunes
Ogg Vorbis - Various Players

MPG, MOV - Quicktime
WMV, AVI, ASF - Windows Media Player
RM, RM Streams - RealOne Player

Why do you need Windows? Almost every Windoze application has a counterpart on the Mac side.

[ March 31, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]


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