Operating Systems > macOS

Virtual PC? Whats up with that?

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VPC is slow for games unless they are old DOS games. Nothing 3d or whatever. Don't expect to be running Neverwinter Nights, or Half Life on it. The newest thing I was able to run on it (with some bugs) was Fallout 2. Now that it has a Mac port I don't need to bother anymore.

VPC is good to have if your into old DOS RPG's like me. I like the early Ultimas, SSI games, and Wasteland alot. But it's not like a REAL PC. My advice, save your 300 bucks and buy an old PIII or something along with your Mac.

Alright...so what do i do if i want to run some of the win appz like Fruity Loops on mac? i have Fruity Loops and donm;t want to but new for mac...so is there any other alternatve to VPC? on which i can run my win games like Medal Of Honor,max payne..i don't want to spend money on buying new things for mac which i already have for windows...

The Lost:

quote:Originally posted by Silent Warrior:
how much disk space does VPC needs?
and are there any advantages of VPC that you bought?? cause i want to buy mac and so thinkin to buy VPC for it...
--- End quote ---

It takes some space (the app itself), approx. 50 MB. (I'm using vers. 5.0.4), but each Windows OS you install on your HD takes some space too depending on the OS.
MS-DOS can take less than 50 MB., but Win Ex-Pee can suck 2 GB. of disk space. My sincere suggestion: If you wanna use Windows programs, run them on a PC. VPC is a good emulator, but its performance is (obviously) not good. Consider this: If Windows on a PC sucks a lot imagine how much sucks inside a Mac. And like some people said, everything you wanna do with a computer has a Mac-native program to do it... Buy a Mac. Live well. And God bless. Hope it can help!!

Max Payne and medol of honor both run on mac.

As for froot loops well ..... most of the techno music and music videos you will encounter are most likely built on a mac.

Professionals often use macs. So if you want to be creative with a mac you will have to use professional software.


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