Operating Systems > macOS
Comparison Mac OS X vs Windows
Please note: This is NOT a scientific study, it
The MacAddict one was funnier.
Frankly Windows XP is much better than Mac OS X. The interface is much cleaner and it practically sets everything up for you. (which is what most end-users desire) You don't have to break your bank account buying the hardware, either. Plus, it contains the breakthrough innovations of Internet Explorer and Windows Media, which have been at the forefront of their respected fields for some time now. Quicktime simply doesn't compare to WMP, and IE continues to improve by leaps and bounds while the "competition" lags behind. IE may correct HTML errors to render pages better, but I see this as an innovation, not a problem. I guarantee if Mozilla did this you would be praising shit all over it and ranting about how poorly IE rendered pages. Hypocrites.
I don't care if AOL is embracing Mozilla; I don't use them and they are complete idiots anyway.
IE is not built into the Windows OS, nor is Windows required to run it, as some of you morons have indicated. IE is available for Mac (but it sucks on it, probably due to the Mac's poor OS design) and UNIX, and there are programs you can download to remove IE from your system if it so offends you. Furthermore, in Windows XP you can easily uninstall IE in the "add/remove programs" section under the control panel. now you're just blatantly flaming us. you were annoying before, but now you've crossed a line.
[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
Frankly Windows XP is much better than Mac OS X. The interface is much cleaner and it practically sets everything up for you. (which is what most end-users desire) You don't have to break your bank account buying the hardware, either. Plus, it contains the breakthrough innovations of Internet Explorer and Windows Media, which have been at the forefront of their respected fields for some time now. Quicktime simply doesn't compare to WMP, and IE continues to improve by leaps and bounds while the "competition" lags behind.
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haven't you ever heard of freedom of choice? i think people who do not agree with freedom of choice should have no choice but to be shot in the head.
quote:IE may correct HTML errors to render pages better
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it does not. It supports broken nonstandard html in a bid to create ructions amongst those who choose to code in correct html rather than Microsoft html. There would be no errors in html to start with if it were not for Microsoft frontpage, idiot.
quote:, but I see this as an innovation, not a problem. I guarantee if Mozilla did this you would be praising shit all over it and ranting about how poorly IE rendered pages. Hypocrites.
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bullshit. And don't call us hypocrites, moron. You fail, as usual to back up your so called convictions. How much are you getting an hour for this, anyway, dumbass? you seem determined to fill up these forums with rubbish.
I don't care if AOL is embracing Mozilla; I don't use them and they are complete idiots anyway.
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and i don't care what you have to say so fuck off.
IE is not built into the Windows OS, nor is Windows required to run it, as some of you morons have indicated.
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yes it is. And don't call me a moron, you imbecilic fucktard.
quote:IE is available for Mac (but it sucks on it, probably due to the Mac's poor OS design)
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it's better than its shitty windows version, due to many factors, but it is still slow and shit.
quote:and UNIX,
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you mean there's a binary available for AIX. That's hardly grounds for saying it can be run on unix.
quote:and there are programs you can download to remove IE from your system if it so offends you.
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aha! you can't say that! Microsoft denies this completely. Anyway, windows deliberately deletes "important" dlls if you try and remove iexplore.
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big words now, eh? nobody's fooled...
quote:in Windows XP you can easily uninstall IE in the "add/remove programs" section under the control panel.
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i do not believe this for a second. It seems you have no experience with windows XP, let alone any of the other OSs you deride completely out of hand. If you can indeed remove IE using windows, then why are Microsoft busy spending a lot of time and money in court trying to convince the US government that this is in fact impossible?
If you unistall IE using one of these third party rograms windows seems to remove a couple dlls that are needed for programs like Windws Media Player or Outlook. MS seems to want you to use all of their software or none at all. And I have plenty of experience with XP(I used it for 5 months), you can not uninstall IE; and SP1 will simply let yu hide it, you will have to leave it installed and wasting space.
And MS released a binary of IE 4 for AIX as a 'test'. It isn't even available anymore, and not supported by them either. Also it won't work on anything but AIX.
BTW- I have used the Mac version of IE, and it is actually better than the Windows version. It still sucks compared to Opera, but hell it is an improvement.
I don't think anyone ever said you need Windows to run IE. I believe we have said you need IE to run Windows properly. Windows will not funtion to its fullest without IE, unless you replace the shell. So in order to not use IE on you windows 2000 or lower system, you need to not use Explorer as your shell if you want it to work properly. XP however is a different beast altogether.
And about the hardware prices. I can get a nice new Imac G3 with OSX for $700. Doesn't seem as though I'd have to break the bank to get a mac.
And Mac's interface is cleaner and simpler. Compare the two, MacOSX is easier to use then XP, and MacOSX is based on unix making it very secure and stable.
[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Heru ]
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