Operating Systems > macOS
Comparison Mac OS X vs Windows
quote:Originally posted by Cocaine Elephant:
Weird, I've had this since Christmas and not yet have I see a blue screen, or any bugs at all. I'm going to leave this comp on, and see if it actually locks up/reboots/yada.
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Of course you haven't had a blue screen; XP doesn't do that (by default) -- it just quietly reboots the entire system, with no warning whatsoever. Gee, that's a hell of an improvement.
Now for MY meaningless, anecdotal case study: I've had XP on a Dell Dimension for about the same time you have. I've also had OS X on a G4 Cube since last March.
I use the Cube every single day, for up to 10 hours a day. (Yes, I have no life.) I run everything on it -- from simple web browsers up to Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. Normally, I'll have LOTS of applications running at the same time. The Cube is my desktop machine, my workstation, the one where I do just about everything when I'm at home. It has lots of sotware installed on it, including a number of third-party apps that modify low-level parts of the system (often considered to be a main cause of system instability).
At night, I put the system in sleep mode (instead of turning it off), and wake it every morning, so its uptime routinely goes over a month, until I apply an OS upgrade that requires reboot.
Since March, 2001, this Cube has had precisely ONE kernel panic (i.e., whole-OS crash). ONE.
And now, the Dell. A nice Dimension, considered an excellent machine built with high-quality parts (by PC standards, anyway). Certainly not some cheap Taiwanese no-name Frankenbox. I do not use this machine much; often, 5-6 days will go by where I don't even turn it on. It's NOT a primary machine for me, by any means. So, naturally, I haven't installed too many applications on it, and no low-level tweaks or hacks at all. So it's very close to a virginal, factory-fresh install of Windows XP.
In the last seven or eight months, in just the times I've actually USED this machine (running Windows XP Professional), it has spontaneously rebooted (i.e., full-OS crash) four or five times. FOUR OR FIVE.
The OS X machine is worked to death, every day, and has a hell of a lot more stuff installed on it. It gets put to the test HEAVILY. It performs beautifully.
The Dell, running XP, lives an incredibly easy, pampered life, with a very clean install of the OS -- by every normal indicator, it should be ROCK SOLID. It's far from it.
Your witness, counselor.
As I understand it, the uninstall/add feture mearly hides IE and dosn't erase it from your system. In any case, XP still loses functionality with the lose of IE.
That is my understanding.
Thats sick, it DOES just hide it
Why would you just want to HIDE IE but not delete it?
My computer has never quietly rebooted either
quote:Originally posted by Cocaine Elephant:
Thats sick, it DOES just hide it
Why would you just want to HIDE IE but not delete it?
My computer has never quietly rebooted either
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That's a damn good question.
In a settlement with one of the states, M$ agreed to put a feture in the installer of XP that would allow you to select diffrent install modes, sucha s "standard Microsoft", or "non-Microsoft".
The "non-microsoft" Install proported to let you not install certain programs like IE, or WMP, but as it turned out those programms were still installed on the harddrive, they were just made invisible. Eating up precious HD space without any function whatsoever.
I still don't understand the logic behind this. Anyone?
quote:Originally posted by Cocaine Elephant:
You are indeed a true idiot.
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no, you are the only true idiot here, as you will proceed to prove
quote:I guess I must guide you with baby steps through the process,
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you don't have to do anything of the sort since i will never own XP nor hopefully use it
quote:and it is obvious you have never even tried XP;
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wow. you sure are perceptive. Did you figure that out by the way i often say things like "I will never own nor hopefully use windows XP"?
quote:instead, you lie in your cold room and tweak your 486 so it can run in a bare text shell of UNIX.
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i have a shitty laptop with crappy video card, audio card and modem made by SiS, the CPU is an 850Mhz P3. Who cares? and it dual boots between mandrake 8.2 and windows millenium. Not my choice, my hardware has no win98 drivers in many cases. Why did you even bring this drivel up?
quote:Press "Start"
Press "Settings"
Press "Control Panel"
Press "Add/Remove Programs"
Press "Add/Remove Windows Components"
Uncheck Internet Explorer.
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i'll just add that since you are proved to be a complete loudmouthed knownothing dipshit in the posts which succeeded this one, i will let these moronic instructions pass for the laughable joke they truly are. At least winME is honest by not even allowing you to uninstall WMP and IE, let alone MSNmessenger or outlook, even though they are both optional components at install time (install time being a regular occurence with winME)
quote:Wow, was that SO hard? Apparently so.
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You are talking to yourself again, this is not the "windows dumbass, where's my ass give me the map" forum, it is the MAC forum. Right? MAC OS got it? i am posting on a mac with WMP and IE, i downloaded them and installed them myself to give them the benefit of the doubt. Sorry, they are slow and they suck. Quicktime, Opera and mozilla are better. As has been intimated before, this is a matter of personal preference and not worth bitching about. So stop.
At least on MacOS you can uninstall winblows mediocre player and internet exploder...
And that moronic comment about my anger can fuck off too. For all you know i'm sitting here drinking a martini, smoking a joint, and typing this with one finger, softly chuckling at how hot under the collar you yourself are getting over my posts! :D
have a nice day!
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