Operating Systems > macOS
Comparison Mac OS X vs Windows
quote:Originally posted by Webmaster:
Of course you haven't had a blue screen; XP doesn't do that (by default) -- it just quietly reboots the entire system, with no warning whatsoever. Gee, that's a hell of an improvement.
--- End quote ---
Fuck, I just thought that was my ass generic 440bx motherboard overheating. Although, a mate of mine says he's seen a blue screen in XP. It looks like the NT one, I hear.
The reason why it just quietly restarts itself is because it was intended to be some kind of server operating system.. so after your windows box goes down from a whole pile of people exploiting IIS vulnerabilities you can rest assured that it will stand back up and take the hits to the face again without you even being alerted.
I was partially mistaken.
I installed XP in a VMware VM, and did some fiddling(what you thought I'd partition?). Anyhow, yes you can follow those steps to 'remove' IE. But as has been previously said, it simply hides it, it was still eating up 30megs of space in it's folder. And it was still usable! Aparently the registry was left untouched by the 'uninstaller'.
Oh well. After that I deleted the virtual disk I had it one, and went back to doind my useless stuff.
Oh and when I had XP installed on a real partition(a few months back), I saw a couple of blue screens, exactly like the NT blue screen. And XP also reset all by itself sometimes. It reset once when hooked up my slve drive. The drive worked in everything else perfectly(WinME, and Mandrake), but XP reset, apparently XP didn't know how to install the drivers and crashed. The only way I solved the problem was to reinstall XP.
The reasons for non-microsft programs not working as well e.g. Quictime, Realplay etc. is that M$ only releases a limited amount of the Windows APIs to third party developers. The hidden APIs are then used top increase the performance of M$ apps.
This is just one of the many reasons that M$ are defending themselves in court. It's called utilising a monopoly position to hinder competition and is typical of Uncle Bills dictatorial rule
XP, honestly............
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