Operating Systems > macOS

Oh jesus this is funny.

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Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Macman, made it up myself. You can tell by my use of variables and attempt to make it outlined, I tend to do that.

Calum, good points too, you should argue, but some of the arguements are just plain funny.

Master of Reality:

quote:Like it? Use it. Don't like it? Use the other one. Passionate about your OS? Great. Shove it down my throught? Try something less obtrusive and your idea will hold greater appeal
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here at fuckmicrosoft, even if someone his happy with windows, we will still try to get them away from windows, and try to use something else.

Well, Ctrl for starters let me say that your points are plain, strong and really straightforward. But (there's always a but in such cases), I can't really agree to the fact though that those arguments apply to any kind of forums, that is if you take the word forum literally. Let me say also that if anyone, as far as implies that Windows users are stupid deserves my utter disrespect.


quote:Originally posted by hoojchoons:
Well, Ctrl for starters let me say that your points are plain, strong and really straightforward. But (there's always a but in such cases), I can't really agree to the fact though that those arguments apply to any kind of forums, that is if you take the word forum literally. Let me say also that if anyone, as far as implies that Windows users are stupid deserves my utter disrespect.
--- End quote ---

Isn't it ironic that we are arguing about weather or not there should be arguments in a forum?

I mean, we ARE in a forum while we argue this.

And litteraly, Forum was the roman marketplace. Philosphers and stuff would yammer on, on streetcorners like in Life of Brian  :D

I was just about to post something to this effect due to the trolltopics which I have to spend my valuable time locking -- this drags my attention away from discussing valuable things, like how to crochet, for example.


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