Operating Systems > macOS
Mac Gamers Doomed!
I was taking a look at a site I visit daily, http://www.planetunreal.com and there I saw this link: http://www.insidemacgames.com/news/story.php?ArticleID=6835
That got ya scared didn't it?
Another reason for me to buy one... But I need money.
Its hard to believe they released a linux version before they released a mac version. Maybe the future is bright for linux games.
quote:Originally posted by ThePreacher:
Its hard to believe they released a linux version before they released a mac version. Maybe the future is bright for linux games.
--- End quote ---
yeah, suck it mac users. makes a *nice* change.
and before anybody gets angry at this remark, bear in mind all the times games and other programs have only been brought out for linux after they were already out for the mac and for windows.
More good Mac gaming news:
I'm not much of a gamer, but hey, it's still cool.
[ January 09, 2003: Message edited by: cocoamix ]
i think about 99% of gamers are warez kiddys.
When TCPA starts effecting them lots will move to Linux.
And also consider 65% of Windows users are gamers.
Thats a big market share Microsoft will loose.
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