Operating Systems > macOS

Mac Gamers Doomed!

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quote:l33t h4x0r dud3: i think about 99% of gamers are warez kiddys.

When TCPA starts effecting them lots will move to Linux.

And also consider 65% of Windows users are gamers.

Thats a big market share Microsoft will loose.
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Maybe, maybe not...

I don't if I'll say "TCPA yeah! Go for it Microsoft, lose all your gamers!" or "TCPA sucks, everyone thinks it's the greatest thing since the pizza slicer".

We'll just have to wait how it takes out, and really tell a lot of people what TCPA is, and why it sucks.

ph3ar my n3w n4me in 1337speak.

Because my real name is l33t!!!!


quote:Originally posted by Calum:

yeah, suck it mac users. makes a *nice* change.

and before anybody gets angry at this remark, bear in mind all the times games and other programs have only been brought out for linux after they were already out for the mac and for windows.
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Hey, it's not our fault. We're the only ones who know how you feel, and it was your choice to switch to Linux anyway. If it were up to me we'd all get our games at the same time.

[ January 10, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Tro0per / boB ]

That article must be old, I was in the Apple store not more than a week ago and saw UT03 there for sale. Had Linux, Windows, and Mac version on the box. Maybe it was a pre-order thing or something.


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