Operating Systems > macOS


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Trust me, you don't want to use A/UX unless you have a machine that is stock and fits all the requirements. My friend has a copy of A/UX 2.0 and the damn thing has yet to install (or even boot) on a single Mac we've seen.

I dunno about A/UX 3.0, I would guess it would be a bit more stable, but still...

thats what i like, thats part of the reason that i am building ChoasNETOS, i want to play with things that are hard to make work right, A/UX seems' like it would fit the bill

i have a disk image of a/ux...  do you want it?

heh. a disk image. my friend's copy of A/UX 2.0 comes in three binders full of floppies.

well there are 2 images actually, 1 is the "install disk"  the other is a disk image meant to be imaged right onto the  hard drive.  i never got it to install on my mac emulator, but i can guarantee you it will run on your 68K.

[ July 18, 2002: Message edited by: cloudstrife ]


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