Operating Systems > macOS

Common Mac OS Questions

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Hey Quirk!

Good work.

Tho I liked the part you had before in the 5% question that talked about OSX being the most widely distributed and popular brand of UNIX. Cuz it is.

That's a good litte tidbit    

You should add it nex to the stuff I contributed.

Just a thought.

[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]


Can I be a manager on the Mac FAQ too  :D

I'll be extra carefull and check my spelling and stuff. PLEEEESE!!!


Nice FAQ board Quirk! Good work indeed but I would love to see it expanding and covering more technical aspects of Mac's classic OS and OS X   ;)  But then again it's only the beginning right ?

Good work again. Keep it up  

Also, another question is "will my current mouse work" the answer is "yes, if it's USB, and yes, the right button and scroll wheel work too  ;) "


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:

Can I be a manager on the Mac FAQ too   :D  

I'll be extra carefull and check my spelling and stuff. PLEEEESE!!!

--- End quote ---

Yes, of course! I need someone to be with Muffin, anyway. Email me (the email is in the FAQ and the contact page on my website).


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