Operating Systems > macOS

Common Mac OS Questions

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quote:Originally posted by Panos:
Nice FAQ board Quirk! Good work indeed but I would love to see it expanding and covering more technical aspects of Mac's classic OS and OS X    ;)   But then again it's only the beginning right ?

Good work again. Keep it up      
--- End quote ---

Yes, it's the beggining. But because I don't own a Mac (someday soon!), I don't know what to write! That's why I need people like you and Psyjax adding F.A.Q's! And MacUser3of5, I just added that. Thanks.

Ohh.. Would a PS/2 mouse with a USB convertor work?

It would be cool if we could make sub-categories ex:
- = Main category
-- = Sub Category
--- = Faq Topic

---How to install
---How to partition
---How to Burn a CD
---How to do networking
---How to boot when you get the question mark thing
---Booting into single-user mode
---Using XWindows in Darwin

See what I mean? Is this possible?
The Linux guys kinda did this with the topic prefixes, but doing it in the category system would be even better.

[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]

Ack.. I really need to finish my own F.A.Q thing.. Or find a decent one. Just use prefixes for now. By the way, muffin, I was reading the F.A.Q, and the stuff I copy-and-pasted from this forum are full of typos.. Help me fix them, all right?

I've been skimming the Mac forum for typos, but I'll do the rest. I added 3 topics while I was at it...

It's finally going somewhere!

[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]


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