Operating Systems > macOS

Common Mac OS Questions

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I'll do it, even though I don't own a Mac (but will, eventually.. sigh...)

Ok, done. Could anyone explain here ho to run X Windows programs in Darwin? I'm totally clueless about that, and I'm sure alot of people would like to know.

View the MAC FAQ here: http://www.belg88.com/faqman/index.php?op=cat&c=4

[ October 13, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]

Actually, the 5% thing is a myth. ... kinda.

Apple has 11% of the PERSONAL COMPUTER MARKET, and is infact the single most popular computer manufacturere. In the Computer market as a whole Apple has only 5%. Compare that to Dell, Gateway and the others, and you have a pretty impressive company, with some pretty impresive numbers.

Looks good. That's my only correction. Other MacHeads, comeon and add to the FAQ and to the answers!

X Darwin on OS X

I have run Abiword (which is an X window app) using the following :

Xdarwin ( a ~50 meg file, warning! Does the X window thing)

and OroborX (which emulates the Aqua look).

Both can be found on www.versiontracker.com

Both are braindead easy to install, and they worked well. I just downloaded and installed Abiword (a native darwin port, but requires X Window support) and it works well, I trashed it in lieu of OpenOffice (OMG drool)   ;)  

Some others questions I have seen are :
   What printers will work with them (quick answer: 90% of USB printers work out of the box)?
   Will my monitor work? (quick answser: yes)?

I would suggest that you, if you are the FAQ author, avoid anti-MS rhetoric, because that (from the reactions of non-Apple friends/family) it doesn't look as professional or seems angry and unhelpful. Give the benifits of OS X/Apple, for sure, but don't piss on everything else, especially at the cost of clarity and information.

[ October 13, 2002: Message edited by: MacUser3of5 ]

To run XWindows on a Mac go to:

XFree86.org and download XDarwin. It is an X Windows server program.

Alternatively you can go to:


Fink is a relativly easy to use packadge manager that will download and install XWindows applications and the like under Darwin.

You can even install alternate window managers like KDE and or Gnome, all of which run side by side with the OSX native Aqua.

It takes some reading, so make sure you read all of the Doc's on the respective sites.

Once you have X11 installed you can boot into Darwin directly by typeing >cosole at the login prompt. This way you can run in "pure" UNIX mode and use startx to activate x windows as you would under a Linux/*NIX.

NOTE: The above method is not necissary! It's possible if your into that, but no where near necissary. You can just duble click on the XDarwin icon under OSX and run "rootless" meaning X11 and Aqua all at the same time. Cool huh  :D

Neat stuff.

Anyway, You still didn't fix the 5% discrepancy    

It really is 11% of the market!

Check this article posted previously:


[ October 13, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]


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