Author Topic: fuck apple?  (Read 952 times)


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fuck apple?
« on: 30 December 2002, 23:56 »
i love going to mac hater web sites. it makes me feel, better. i have not seen one anti-mac or pro-windows site that is not filled with lies and stupid shit like..."what are macs good for? a paperweight." right, i didnt know, im going to go destroy my g4 right now.  :rolleyes:   and the quality of the site design is absolutely disgusting. seriously. but, what can you expect from a bunch of eleventeens. i think i have a mission. and that is to find ONE quality anti-mac site.   ;)


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fuck apple?
« Reply #1 on: 31 December 2002, 00:03 »
Originally posted by Xyle: Mac Commando:
i love going to mac hater web sites. it makes me feel, better. i have not seen one anti-mac or pro-windows site that is not filled with lies and stupid shit like..."what are macs good for? a paperweight." right, i didnt know, im going to go destroy my g4 right now.   :rolleyes:    and the quality of the site design is absolutely disgusting. seriously. but, what can you expect from a bunch of eleventeens. i think i have a mission. and that is to find ONE quality anti-mac site.    ;)  

I swear, after buying a PC, and using it for a good while, I don't see how there could possibly be an anti-mac site!

The only downside to Mac's is the price, they are more expensive than PC's. Although, I swear to god they are worth every penny!

Im taking a 400Mhz G4 Laptop back to school with me and leaving my dual 800 at home. (convinience), you know what? That 400Mhz G4 is just as usable as any new Mac! try saying that about a wintel laptop from that speed range.

Granted, the laptop wont run all my high end 3d stuff. but for webbrowsining, DVDs, and PS7, it's fine.


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« Reply #2 on: 31 December 2002, 00:31 »
you know what? That 400Mhz G4 is just as usable as any new Mac! try saying that about a wintel laptop from that speed range.

Granted, the laptop wont run all my high end 3d stuff. but for webbrowsining, DVDs, and PS7, it's fine.

no shit yeah. my iBook is only 300mhz g3. runs jaguar great. granted, its not as fast as my dualg4, but i really don't notice. i couldnt imagine running windowsXp on anything that "slow". my girlfreinds old laptop is around 300mhz. it has maybe 64mb sdram. it could barely run win98. stupid windows  :D


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« Reply #3 on: 31 December 2002, 00:37 »
I was back home at my Dad's over the holidays and he owns a 1.7Ghz Dell with WinXP and an iBook running Jaguar. I swear, running both side by side, it's amazing to me that anyone would think XP is better. It's ugly and convoluted, and the only good things about it are stolen from OS X.

That's MY opinion though, and obviously, everyone has their own.
The Anti-Mac sites though, are some of the ugliest and dumbest sites on the web. Most of them haven't been updated since like 1997, however.
They were irrelevant then, and they're even more so today.


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« Reply #4 on: 31 December 2002, 00:46 »
yeah. i have been looking, and every site i have found is like 3 years old. with no new, anything.
this is great though- i found this on someones list of reasons why macs suck...."you can type faster on a pc"   :eek:      :D      :D   hahahahahaa. wow.

-i noticed rrs anti-apple site list and checked them out. what a pisspoor collection of web sites  :rolleyes:

[ December 30, 2002: Message edited by: Xyle: Mac Commando ]

Gooseberry Clock

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fuck apple?
« Reply #5 on: 31 December 2002, 01:10 »
You can find a complete list here.


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« Reply #6 on: 31 December 2002, 02:38 »
yep, thats the list i looked at. i really hope you dont think that they are quality links with valuable information pertaining to why windowsPCs are better than macs. i did not find ANY information, physical proof and statistics to show that wintel is superior in any way. The majority of the arguments go like this.---
"Macs only have one button on their mouse"
 *dude. if you need more than one button, buy a different mouse.
"Macs are expensive"
 *when i compare what i spent on my windows pc to what i just spent on my dualg4 i see that i actually spent MORE MONEY on my windows pc.
"Their os is 12 years old"
"They dont have a floppy drive"
 *if you really wanted one, you could get one.
"They crash alot"
 i have NEVER crashed my mac. let me repeat. I HAVE NEVER CRASHED MY MAC. EVER
and it goes on and on like this, on every site. pathetic attempt to justify spending 3000 on their windows pc only to have received a virii incubater, and a consistant BSOD that you can set your clock to.
anyways. i will continue my search for an anti-mac site that could at least be on par with a lot of the anti-microsoft sites.


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« Reply #7 on: 31 December 2002, 04:07 »
I ran PS7 on 433mhz celeron+192mb of ram on WIndows98 and WindowsXP.

Everything worked fine, and I could multi-task, surf the web, etc (I did have to reboot very often, though).


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« Reply #8 on: 31 December 2002, 07:02 »
Here's my favorite list of why the Mac sucks.

10. Many people have thousands of dollars of invested in old technology. And sure, what's wrong with old equipment? You know, dot-matrix printers, Pentiums, 12-inch monochrome monitors, punchcards, and other museum pieces. It would really suck if your Mac couldn't use any of this great new technology? I mean, if you couldn't use your thousands of dollars worth of 5-1/4" floppies and drives, it would be a good reason not to get a Mac. Right?

9. Owning a Mac can lead you to many uncomfortable social situations. For example, when you and a couple of PC owning friends go out to go shopping for the newest Sound Blaster. Your friends are shocked when they learn that your Mac doesn't need a Sound Blaster, and that it can do everything the Sound Blaster does built-in. Good-bye friendship.

8. When it comes to bragging about the power of your computer, Mac users are at a grave disadvantage. For example, a 200 Mhz G3 Macintosh does integer calculations equivalent to a 362 Mhz Pentium II. So what fun is it to be able to only brag about 200 Mhz, when it is really way faster than an equivalent PC?

7. Networking on a Mac is not an impressive feat. It's only slightly harder then tying you shoe, 'Nuff said.

6. What's up with this fad of having computers black? Of course, we all know that black cabinets make computers smarter and faster.

5. Plug n Play has been around on the Mac since 1984. So, what's the big deal with plug and play in Windows 95 and 98?

4. Does anyone know why the Mac mouse is so much slower than a PC mouse? It's because Mac users want precision, they don't want the cursor to fly everywhere to make the computer feel faster. Mac users want the computer to work for them, not the other way around.

3. Macs are too easy. All you need to do is plug them in and they work. Where's the challenge in that?

2. When you add stuff to your Mac, you just plug it in and it works. Again, where's the challenge? Come on, it's boring when you never have to reinstall the system, spend hours with tech support, and tear out your hair looking for a broken part or missing part.

1. Clients and teachers know about #3 and #2, so they expect Mac users to deliver results, not excuses.


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fuck apple?
« Reply #9 on: 31 December 2002, 08:20 »
thats a good list  


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« Reply #10 on: 31 December 2002, 21:39 »
my all time favorite anti Mac site is