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quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:

well I wouldn't say its unbearable, but my 1.7 Athlon is way faster in Windows and Linux, although, those aren't really comparable systems.  I got 640 RAM.  Its way faster than my 600 iBook but I wish it was faster.  Takes like 20 seconds just to open Photoshop, and takes a couple bounces to open any browser.  The worst program is iPhoto.  Damn that thing is slow.  I also run it at 1600x1200 which is really hard, big windows minimize sort of choppy.  At 1280x1024 everything is smooth, but still same operating speed.  I like the realestate.  Hell, my dock doesn't even fit on a 1280x1024 screen without being made smaller.

So really, the NeXT systems are dead slow.  I actually wanted to ask what the difference between openstep and nextstep are.  At blackhole inc they give you the choice on everything between openstep and nextstep. do you happen to know the difference?

[ April 21, 2003: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain ]
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We obviously have a different view of "fast"

More on Openstep vs. Nextstep:
quote: You may be able to purchase a copy through used computer resellers (or via the comp.sys.next newsgroups). The consensus seems to be that NextStep 3.3 is a good choice for black hardware and that OpenStep 4.2 is a better choice for later architectures (Intel, Sparc), but OpenStep runs on black hardware also. (I ran 3.3 on Nextstations and 4.2 on a Sparc 5.) (But now I run 10.1 on a 500mHz/G3 PM8600!)  
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and here:


quote:Originally posted by chaosforages:
its quite obvoiusly why this NeXT question was in the apple section, OSX is based off of NeXTSTEP
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OS X is based off of the "Mach" kernel, which was part of NeXTStep, and later OpenStep.


quote:Originally posted by Webmaster:
I wouldn't say *nobody* has a NeXT machine.  I do.      
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Lucky bastard.   :D


quote:Originally posted by The Muffin Man:

OS X is based off of the "Mach" kernel, which was part of NeXTStep, and later OpenStep.
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It goes far deeper than that.  If you do some research on NeXTSTEP and OSX (or you can just own OSX) you will see that you program the same "exact" way in both of them.  Interface Builder and Project Builder are the same in NeXT as they are in X.  It also has some UI features which OSX doesn't even have because "it would be too different from OS9"  so I wanted to check it out, and I wanted the full NeXT experience.  Then I decided I should go all the way and go for a Cube.  I will probably wait a couple of years until I have excess money just layin around.

OSX is not slow, but it is deffinetly not as "snappie" interface wise as other OSs. I wish I could turn off the eye-candy.


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