Operating Systems > macOS
if NeXT* doesn't run on a macintosh, i move that somebody drop this thread into the 'Other OSs' section please.
quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:
but my 1.7 Athlon is way faster in Windows and Linux
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quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
I wish I could turn off the eye-candy.
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Just boot to OS 9 (All OS 9 is, is OS X w/o the shiny stuff. If you have carbonlib.)
quote:Originally posted by The Muffin Man:
Just boot to OS 9 (All OS 9 is, is OS X w/o the shiny stuff. If you have carbonlib.)
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Nothing could be farther from the truth. OSX never crashes for one thing, it multitasks amazingly, and it's guts are made of UNIX.
All carbon lib. does is give you access to Navigation Servecis which in tern is a bridge to carbonizing apps for OSX.
Now, if OSX had the option of putting the classic interface back on, Id do it in a heart beat. I mean, for speed purposes is all.
quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
Nothing could be farther from the truth. OSX never crashes for one thing, it multitasks amazingly, and it's guts are made of UNIX.
All carbon lib. does is give you access to Navigation Servecis which in tern is a bridge to carbonizing apps for OSX.
Now, if OSX had the option of putting the classic interface back on, Id do it in a heart beat. I mean, for speed purposes is all.
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I wouldn't, OSX is pretty. It also probably wouldn't speed it up that much. It would still have to use Quartz because all of the apps use that so you can see them. So essentially it would just be changing pretty pictures with ugly ones which would offer probably little to no speed change.
quote:if NeXT* doesn't run on a macintosh, i move that somebody drop this thread into the 'Other OSs' section please.
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I say because Apple owns NeXT that it should stay in the Mac section.
[ April 22, 2003: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain ]
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