Operating Systems > macOS

The FuckMicrosoft Switch Ads.

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Does it matter who you buy your $3000 non-ub3r tweaked PC from? Aren't they all the same in the end? Unless im missing something about Dell.

I'd say if you wanna go the 3G route, get one of those "by gamerz for gamerz" systems, IE:Alienware, Falcon etc.
(that shit you see advertised in the computer game magazines)

I'd honestly feel a little bit better knowing that my comp is made by l33t d00dz and not a bunch of people who cater to newbies.  


quote:Originally posted by lazygamer:
I'd say if you wanna go the 3G route, get one of those "by gamerz for gamerz" systems, IE:Alienware, Falcon etc.
(that shit you see advertised in the computer game magazines)

--- End quote ---

That stuff is way overpriced. I don't know why the hell people buy them.

It's probably the same reason why idiots pay $280 for windows xp professional; because they don't want to look like a minority in their little '31337' counter-strike clan circle.


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